I’m Sorry Momma

While, yes, I may be quoting an Eminem song, I felt it was only appropriate to begin this post with an apology for the offensive material I’m about to parade around in front of one of my biggest supporters, my mom. This offense is not in the form of profanity or risque behavior, but in the form of a maxi skirt. She, in the unashamed way only a mother can, hates maxi skirts because they don’t accentuate my figure (or anyone else’s in her mind for that matter). But alas I have fallen in love and now have not one, but (gasp!) a few hanging in my closet. They are so comfortable, light, fun, and make me feel like a cross between a gypsy and a hippie whenever I put one on. Both of which are a-ok in my book 🙂 So mom, I’m sorry you had to see this, and find out this way but please know I still love you and can happily report there is no chipped finger nail polish and hardly a bra strap to be seen. And look, I’m wearing a hat! You love when I wear hats…Right?

Hat: Thrifted, Vest: Ross, Top: H&M, Skirt: Thrifted, Shoes: Forever21, Earrings&Bracelet: H&M, Ring: Tiffany.